Prenatal Differential Diagnosis and Prospective Management of Hydranencephaly



Objective: To report a rare case of hydranencephaly that was diagnosed during prenatal period. We also provided further review differential diagnosis and management performed in Ende District General Hospital, based on appropriate literatures guidelines available.
 Methods: Case Report
 Case: A 27-year old primigravida women with term pregnancy (37 weeks gestation) intra-uterine singleton live fetus via ultrasonography. In this patient, emergency caesarean section (CS) to prevent complication cephalo-pelvic disproportion (CPD), involving teamwork between obstetrics perinatology. male neonate born weighing 3000 grams, head circumference 32 cm, APGAR score 2/4/7/8 suggestive asphyxia respiratory distress. The newborn immediately transferred Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for resuscitative observation. remains stable condition after given. Post-natal transcranial sonography (TCS) the by pediatrician, confirmed. later referred facilities neurosurgery department evaluation intervention.
 Conclusion: Early recognition exclusion similar diagnosis, which includes: hydrocephalus, holoproscencephaly, porencephaly schizencephaly, are fundamental formulating proper multidisciplinary pediatric department, may consequently improve newborn’s life expectancy.
 Keywords: Hydranencephaly, Differential Diagnosis, Management.
 Tujuan: Melaporkan suatu kasus langka hidranensefali yang kami diagnosa dalam periode prenatal; dan memberikan ulasan lanjut mengenai diferensial manajemen kerjakan di Rumah Sakit Umum Ende, berdasarkan literatur pedoman ilmiah tersedia.
 Methode: Laporan Kasus
 Kasus: Seorang perempuan berusia 27 tahun dengan kehamilan aterm minggu gestasi), janin tunggal hidup intrauterin ultrasonografi. Pada pasien ini dilakukan Sectio Caesarea (SC) cito untuk mencegah komplikasi dari disproporsi kepala-panggul kerjasama tim kebidanan perinatologi. Lahir bayi laki-laki berat badan gram, lingkar kepala skor kesan asfiksia distres pernapasan. Bayi segera dipindahkan ke penanganan resusitatif observasi. tetap bertahan kondisi stabil setelah diberikan resusitatif. Pemeriksaan sonografi transkranial paska natal oleh dokter anak, terkonfirmasi. kemudian rujuk fasilitas ketersediaan departemen bedah saraf evaluasi intervensi lanjut.
 Kesimpulan: Deteksi dini eksklusi serupa, mencakup: hidrosefalus, holoprosensefali, porensefali, skizensefali, adalah dasar formulasi multidisiplin baik antara pediatrik maupun saraf, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas ekspektasi baru lahir.
 Kata Kunci: Hidranensefali, Diagnosis Diferensial, Manajemen

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عنوان ژورنال: Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2338-6401', '2338-7335']